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Gorgeous Italian etching ad character to any room. It features a gold and green frame surrounding the etching. This framed etching on paper is dated mid 18th c. It depicts "Veduta della Basilica di S. Giovanni Laterano" (view of the Basilica of St. John Lateran), etched by Giovanni Battista Piranesi (Italy, 1720-1778), from "Vedute di Roma" (Views of Rome). sight: approx 15.75"h, 22.25"w, overall: approx 24"h, 30"w

Views of Rome, Basilica St John Lateran Framed Etching by Piranesi

  • Dimensions

    30"W x 1"D x 24"H
  • Country of Origin / Date

    Italy / 1760
  • Condition

    This etching is in excellent condition. Some wear to frame. The frame is in great condition too, but new owner may want to re-frame.
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